How Low-Impact Camping Benefits California

What do you think is the biggest benefit of low-impact camping?

  • Mazen

    On 2018 I lost two 2 rental units on my 20 acres ranch due to the wildfire in Riverside / Orange County called the holy fire. These two units they were covering majority of my mortgage. 2019 we had great raining season and the rain turned the ranch from Ash to green.

    One morning I was having my coffee contemplating what my future is going to look like. Then I tumbled on Hipcamp ad on Facebook. When I signed up, I thought no one will come. it started slow but in a year or so I decided to quit my job and start hosting campers full-time.

    I enjoyed the vibe people brought  to the ranch, many birthday celebrations held at the ranch camper thanking me for opening up  my place to enjoy nature and have a good time with their friends. The whole thing lasted  close to three years. 
    then I got shut down by code enforcement, threatening me to take me to court suing me for thousand and thousand dollars if I don't stop advertising on Hipcamp. I got scared so I did shut down everything. 
    last month I was thinking of selling my ranch specially, after my insurance doubled because of the fire I had. 
    This morning after seen Hipcamp email this  regarding the senate considering passing a bill to allow rancher earn extra income from Campers. My plan totally changed. I know there's light end of the dark tunnel and I can't wait to go back on Hipcamp again.  meantime I just have to sit and wait.


  • Rosemarie

    Hipcamp has helped me to keep my land without the need to build a rental home on it.  Being a Hipcamp Host has been the best job EVER!  Meeting new people from all over the world and helping them to navigate the Joshua Tree area on their vacations is a pleasure beyond anything that I have ever done.  Being a Hipcamp Host is HARD but is also extremely rewarding.  I love having my land available for people to enjoy and the people who come here are truly grateful that it exists and is open for them to enjoy.  I think it is great that the State of California is finally on board with the Hipcamp model.  It's truly and win win for everyone!